
Sandford Springs Golf Club

Sandford Springs Golf Club

Sandford Springs Golf Club - Kingsclere - Hampshire
RG26 5RT
01635 296800

Entrant List for The Bray Captains Charity Shield

88 players have been signed up for this competition as of 4:03 PM Wednesday 12th March

Fraser Alston (1.8)
Shaun Ayres (Basingstoke)
Winston Bates (14.1)
David Bathe (23.1)
Carl Bellamy (19.2)
Jack Bowen (Camberley Heath)
Lynne Bray (13.9)
Steven Bray (10.6)
Jonathan Butler (Basingstoke)
Owen Bye (28.0)
Paul Carlton (Basingstoke)
Nick Carta (Basingstoke)
Kearno Connor (19.0)
Paul Creed (9.9)
Stephen Cripps (11.6)
Jayne Davies (19.1)
Elliot Davis (18.1)
Andrew Denton (11.9)
Lesley Dowson (26.5)
Karen Duncan (Nizels Golf & Country Club)
Harry Elliot (17.6)
Martyn Evans (31.3)
Kieren Fawke (16.2)
Seth Fowler (24.0)
Freddie Gee (8.3)
Matt Goodenough ()
Colin Green (Basingstoke)
Richard Green (Basingstoke)
Mark Grimshaw (Basingstoke)
Jack Haisman (4.2)
Ian Hamilton (15.4)
Lee Hamilton (7.9)
Sam Hamilton (11.3)
Kurtis Harris (Basingstoke)
Graham Hewitt (21.9)
Stephen Holt (14.7)
Clive Hunt (5.6)
Matty John (25.0)
Louise Johns (Petersfield Golf Club)
Casey Jones (18.5)
Hugh Jones (17.6)
Jill Jones (37.8)
Morven Jordan (26.4)
David Josey (8.0)
Wayne King (10.9)
William Kinniburgh (13.2)
Richard Knight (6.1)
Neil Langley (12.7)
Reece Langley (16.5)
Richard Luckman (16.8)
Jeremy Metcalfe (Weybrook Park Golf Club)
Jean Milford (31.5)
Peter Milford (12.1)
Aidan Millerick (15.4)
Scott Monger (12.1)
Tom Moran (21.3)
Joe Mulcahy (21.0)
Clare Munns (18.8)
Joseph Munns (9.6)
Bradley Munslow-Barker ()
Andrew Murchison (12.3)
Dominic Nash (13.5)
Alex Nimmo (9.3)
Marc Nuttall (14.9)
Michael Pack (0.0)
Charles Parton (28.0)
Steve Parton (7.0)
Dwayne Pettitt (19.7)
Richard Phillips (Basingstoke)
Danny Pullen (14.0)
Gary Purssord (iGolf Club)
Adrian Read (8.6)
Steve Reynolds (Basingstoke)
Ben Selley (8.4)
Matt Selley ()
James Siebert (15.8)
Callum Smith (8.8)
Hutch Sohal (South Winchester Golf Club)
Ray Stowell (17.2)
Ronald Thompson (22.4)
Andy Twiner (16.6)
Thomas Walden-Bye (10.9)
Carol Wallington (35.3)
Neil Wallington (17.8)
Christopher Whalley (15.6)
Matthew Whitewick (15.3)
Steve Williams (Basingstoke)
Andy Wright (Basingstoke)

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